Calculator group buying

2020-02-04 - 2022-07-14

UNIONE UC-600E | 10000Won

Same specification, same function with CASIO FX-570ES PLUS.
Useful in undergraduate freshman courses(General Chemistry, etc.).
Select the amount:

CASIO FX-570ES PLUS | 17000Won

Useful in undergraduate freshman courses(General Chemistry, etc.).
Select the amount:

CASIO FX-5800P | 42000Won

Programmable, with the support of 128 built-in functions.
Select the amount:

CASIO FX-9860G2 | 100000Won

Able to display graphs and has more functions.
Select the amount:

CASIO FX-9860G2 Korean manual | 9000Won

Select the amount:

Nothing chosen.
※ Name : ※ Student ID :
※ Phone :
Refunds can not be made by simple remorse. The defective product can be exchanged 100% within 1 month, after which A/S is possible.
Please contact UNIONE commerce (02-7897-7602) for exchange and after-sales service.

The distribution of the calculators will be on Feb 25 and weekdays from Feb 26 (start of the semester) to March 9 in the Student Welfare Committee Office on the third floor of N13-1(Chang Young Shin Student Activity Center) 7pm~9pm.

Please change the name of depositor to your student ID and transfer the total charge to the next account: [KoreaPostbank 31276902094201 이효준]

※ Please transfer the total charge to the account noticed above. If not, your application will be canceled.