Schedule : Mon - Fri, 19:00 - 21:00 @ N13-1 #305

[카이스트 코인노래방 2018 가을학기 설문조사 결과 공지] [Notice for 2018 fall semester Coin Karaoke survey result]

2019-02-21 23:13
안녕하세요 여러분! 카이스트 코인노래방입니다!


저번 가을학기 코인노래방 설문조사 결과와, 일부 학우 여러분들이 궁금하셨던 내용을 담은 카드뉴스를 가지고 왔습니다.

코인노래방을 관리하는 KAIST 학생복지위원회도 많은 관심 부탁드립니다(특히 새내기 여러분)!



* 설문조사 참여이벤트는 3월 중에 올라올 예정입니다 🙂


Hello everyone, this is Coin Karaoke!


This card-news includes the result of 2018 fall semester survey result and something which KAIST students are curious about. But this card-news is made in Korean, so if you want to see in English, please note this survey URL: (Do not participate! Period is over)


This card-news has same sequence of questions with survey. In the chart, thick red color means 'Yes', 'Satisfied', 'Good' and light red color means 'No', 'Not satisfied', 'Bad'.

We didn't made English version of card-news because there wasn't any international participants, but we apologize about no translation in our card-news.


And please have interest for who manages this Coin Karaoke KAIST 학생복지위원회(student welfare committee) 🙂


Thank you!