Rental service reservation page

How to Rent Products
1. Renting is available at most 2 days. A weekend will be not counted. (ex. If you rent on Friday, then you can rent at most Tuesday)
2. Reservation is available at most 3 weeks from the current day.
3. After making reservation, visit us at Mon-Fri, 19:00-21:00, N13-1 3rd floor Student Welfare Committee.
4. You need to pay rental fee plus 10,000KRW for deposit, and only KRW cash is allowed.
5. You need to return products on time(also at Mon-Fri 19-21), or the late fee will be claimed.
6. Let us know if you need help. Please contact us by gmail ( or facebook (

※ Check here for the more information about products.

※ Starting date: ※ Due:
※ Name: ※ Phone:
※ Student ID:

Check Products Rent fee (1day) Late fee (1day) Available amount
Burner 1000won 3000won / 4
Hot grill 1000won 3000won / 2
Frying pan 1000won 3000won / 3
Copel 1000won 3000won / 2
Tong 1000won 1000won / 10
Scissors 1000won 1000won / 8
Large Icebox 1000won 3000won / 0
XL Mat for 8 people 1000won 3000won / 16
L Mat for 4 people 1000won 3000won / 27
Portable amplifier 5000won 10000won / 1
Microphone 1000won 3000won / 1
Reel 1000won 3000won / 2
Tripod for both camera and cell phone 1000won 3000won / 4
Tripod for only cell phone 1000won 3000won / 1
Easel 1000won 3000won / 4
Beam Projector 3000won 5000won / 1
Canopy tent 5000won 10000won / 3
Small Icebox 1000won 3000won / 1

Nothing chosen.
